[FRAMED]: Ariel Levental, Lead Compositor, LDN
[FRAMED] exists to shine light on Framestore’s most fascinating cast of characters: its people. Presented with a probing list of questions and a demandingly short deadline, this feature puts the hopes, dreams, and desktops of our MVPs on the digital wall, for all to see. Welcome to [FRAMED].

What are you guilty of?
Continuing to work while in dailies when WFH.
What was your last brush with danger?
Some guy stopped me in the middle of the street while on my way home back from the shops, pushed me and said “you want to fight?”. I said “ahhhh nope” and walked away…
Your last brush with greatness?
I comped the last ever shot of Tony Stark in the MCU. Does that count?
Your worst character fault?
I overthink sometimes.
If you had taken a different path, what would you be doing now?
I’d probably do something involving either carpentry or music.
You’re on the run from the law, where are you headed?
For telling puns? That’s not a crime, is it?
Who’s your partner-in-crime?
Definitely my partner. We’re so in-tune with each other that we always know exactly what the other is thinking. She’s awesome!
What’s your favourite movie/TV show and why?
One of my all time favourite shows is Boston Legal. I know it sounds weird but I love intelligent writing. And the cast is also really funny. Frasier is also up there for the same reasons…

Your greatest achievement?
Quit smoking after almost 20 years. Now in my 9th year smoke free and honestly, I have no idea why I did it…
Most valuable skill?
I’m very easy to talk to.
Go on, say something bragging:
I play several musical instruments and speak several languages. My parents were annoying enough to insist when I was a child and I thank them for it now.
Name your vice/pet peeve?
People who push the elevator button again after someone had already called the elevator. Is that like an elevator technician code to make it come quicker?

The DREAM project would entail:
I’m a Marvel nerd so getting to work on quite a few projects for them is awesome. But if we get to do Deadpool 3 and I’m not on it? Let’s just say that no one wants to see a grown man cry…
Your career highlight to date:
Working on both of Marvel’s biggest films to date — Infinity War and Endgame. Being a Comic-book nerd and getting to work on that stuff really makes me appreciate the great times we’re in these days.
This week I learnt that:
Getting back in shape is harder than I remembered it to be…
What’s your current view?
WTH today so on my left, our dog sleeping, on my right, a view to the garden and in front of me is magic disguised as pixels.
What do you need to work on the daily?
Something to listen to, something caffeinated to drink, and something to concentrate on.
Framestore is, to you, in three words:
Awesomely talented people.
Framestore is great at:
Producing amazingly cool visuals while still making it feel like a family.
Favourite artform?
Film! No doubt about that.
Favourite image?
Can’t remember, probably has pixels in it.
Fictional character you’d like to hang with?
Dream/Morpheus from Neil Gaiman’s Sandman.

Happiness looks like:
A night in with my better half watching movies that make us happy.
If not here, then where?
Either Iceland or Canada.
What do you think of too often?
Oh boy, we don’t have time for that…
And not enough?
I try not to think about that.
Couldn’t live without:
Oxygen and love. But mostly oxygen…
If you ruled the world:
Oh I’ve got plans! The less I talk about it — the better.
Ariel Levental, you’ve been [FRAMED].