[FRAMED]: Benoit Debaecker, Head of Recruitment
[FRAMED] exists to shine light on Framestore’s most fascinating cast of characters: its people. Presented with a probing list of questions and a demandingly short deadline, this feature puts the hopes, dreams, and desktops of our MVPs on the digital wall, for all to see. Welcome to [FRAMED].
What are you guilty of?
Buying too many shoes and sneakers that I never wear…🤔
What was your last brush with danger?
When my house burnt down about four years ago — and I lost absolutely everything. Since then, I avoid messing with danger, or should I say fire.
Your last brush with greatness?
I recently ran 10km in less than an hour (58:16min to be precise). The inner athlete in me felt like he won a gold medal that day.
Props. And your worst character fault?
I can be a monomaniac (did someone say shoes?!?).
If you had taken a different path, what would you be doing now?
I would be Bernard Arnault’s (Chief Executive of LVMH) personal art dealer.
You’re on the run from the law, where are you headed?
I’m currently in social isolation, so I’ll head off to a private island in French Polynesia as sooon as I can catch a plane.
Who’s your partner-in-crime?
Can anyone truly be trusted?
Fantasy cellmate?
Team Jacob Black!
Your greatest achievement?
My teams (past, present and future).
Most valuable skill?
Go on, say something bragging:
I attended Mariah Carey’s 35th birthday party in Paris.
VERY glamorous. And what’s your vice/pet peeve?
Frustrated, mad people. Guys…life is fun! Please enjoy it.
The DREAM project would entail:
Travelling, inspiring people and teamwork.
Your career highlight to date:
Accepting, on behalf of Framestore, the award for Best International Talent Attraction and Retention Strategy 🌟 Read about it here!
This week I learnt that:
Taking something out of the oven with bare hands is definitely not something you should try at home.
Fire seems to be a recurring theme. Now, what’s your current view?
I’m lucky to have an amazing view of the Jacques Cartier bridge and beautiful Old Montreal.
Give us a desk tour:
Reduced to the bare minimum : I’ve got a docking station, laptop, keyboard, mouse and a noise reduction headset. And I’m logged onto LinkedIn 24/7.
What do you need to work, on the daily?
Strong coffee and an even stronger Internet connection.
Framestore is, to you, in three words:
Talented people, everywhere.
Best thing about your work environment?
I sincerely miss Bagel Wednesdays.
Same here, my friend, same here. And Framestore is great at:
Creating mind-blowing content.
Favourite art form?
Favourite image?
This portrait. It’s the first original painting I ever bought and I’ve had many, many deep conversations with him.
Fictional character you’d like to hang with?
Deadpool. I’m sure he’ll push me out of my comfort zone.
Happiness looks like:
Bare feet on a white, sandy beach with a bottle of single malt. 🏖️
If not here, then where?
Rio de Janeiro, without a doubt.
What do you think of too often?
My canceled trips to Brazil and Argentina.
And not enough?
Working on that beach bod.
Couldn’t live without:
My passport.
If you ruled the world:
I would ban single-use plastic and force people to use natural, homemade detergents. I would also have an Air Force Ben plane to travel anywhere and everywhere.
Benoit Debaecker, you’ve been [FRAMED].