[FRAMED] Daniella Marsh, 2D Animator, London

4 min readJan 30, 2024

If you could travel back in time, which film, TV series, advert, or immersive project would you love to have worked on?

Either Disney’s Sleeping Beauty (1959) or Belladonna of Sadness (1973), two of my favourite animated films. Unfortunately, I was born rather late to work on either of them!

Which Framestore character do you feel you’re most like?

If she counts as a Framestore character — Weird Barbie!

What fictional world or place would you like to visit?

Definitely Barbie Land. Although, some would see my decor and dress sense and say I already live there!

Your career highlight to date:

Definitely winning an Emmy this January, alongside my brilliant team, for our work on Ms Marvel!

Who or what inspired you to pursue a career in VFX?

I love to draw so I became a 2d animator so I can draw all day every day!

The DREAM project would entail:

Being back with the team from Ms Marvel, doing anything where I get to design characters, animate in 2d, and do lots of drawing, over a nice long timeline.

How do you explain what you do to someone who doesn’t work in VFX?

I say — I do 2d drawing animation, like old Disney films.

Describe your career journey into the exciting world of VFX.

I did my BA in Fashion Illustration, then decided I wanted to be an animator so I did an MA in Animation, as well as working on some music videos and smaller projects. After I finished my MA I got a job on Ms Marvel as a 2d Animator, and I’ve been at Framestore ever since!

What does the day in the life of a 2D animator look like?

I either continue with, or start a new exciting project — designing, animating, sketching, illustrating, colouring, making motion graphics or a combination of all!

Framestore is, to you, in three words:

My dream job!

Best thing about your work environment?

The wonderful people, and the great projects.

Framestore is great at:

Being a team.

Favourite artform?

Painting, illustration or film. Hard to choose just one!

Favourite image?

What a hard question! I love this painting by Auguste Toulmouche ‘The Reluctant Fiancee’, her expression is incredible -

What’s your favourite movie and why?

Portrait of a Lady on Fire directed by Celine Sciamma, every frame is just so beautiful, and it makes me cry every time I watch it.

What is the last piece of art that inspired you?

I saw Poor Things a few days ago and I’m feeling incredibly inspired by the wonderful surreal visuals of the film.

How do you unlock your creativity?

Just start sketching and see what happens! Usually, I’ll spot something interesting, or an idea will ping and that sets off into a new sketch.

From where do you seek inspiration?

Art books, sketchbooks, my own photographs, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram.

Who in the industry do you admire most and why?

All the female directors that are doing amazing things at the moment.

Share the best piece of advice you’ve ever received:

Trust your gut and go for it, somebody’s got to make it — why shouldn’t it be you!

What tech/innovation could you not live without?

My cintiq!

What tech/innovation deserves the hype?

The iPad, another thing I couldn’t live without!

What tech do you need that hasn’t been invented yet?


Daniella Marsh you’ve been [FRAMED].




A global creative studio spanning film, advertising and content. Find more at framestore.com