[FRAMED]: Niketan Jadhav, Roto Artist, MUM

4 min readNov 25, 2022


[FRAMED] exists to shine light on Framestore’s most fascinating cast of characters: its people. Presented with a probing list of questions and a demandingly short deadline, this feature puts the hopes, dreams, and desktops of our MVPs on the digital wall, for all to see. Welcome to [FRAMED].

What are you guilty of?

For not having learned to ride a bike yet!

What was your last brush with danger?

A few years ago I went on a trip with my friends and decided to hop into a swimming pool despite not knowing how to swim. I got a cramp right when I was at the deeper end of the pool — and let’s just say it was not easy getting to the other side safely.

Your last brush with greatness?

I donate blood at regular intervals!

Your worst character fault?

Having emotional meltdowns easily.

If you had taken a different path, what would you be doing now?

I would be a Tattoo artist.

You’re on the run from the law, where are you headed?

There is no running from the law! So I would just go home and then maybe surrender myself.

Who’s your partner-in-crime?

Me, myself & I!

What’s your favourite movie/TV show and why?

One Piece (an anime TV series) is my all-time favourite show to watch. I grew up watching this show and still have 100 plus more episodes to go through.

Your greatest achievement?

I still have a lot to achieve, but for now, it is that I purchased my own apartment this year.

Most valuable skill?


Go on, say something bragging:

I always set yearly, monthly and weekly goals for myself — it helps me achieve both my short-term and long-term targets in life.

Name your vice/pet peeve?


The DREAM project would entail:

Directing a short film like anime with super awesome VFX!

Your career highlight to date:

Seeing my name on the big screen with my family by my side when I got credit listed for Avengers: Infinity War.

This week I learnt that:

Life is too short to keep egos and grudges.

What’s your current view?

Nothing special — just my desk with some pens and regular stationery on it. But since I sit in the corner, to my left side there is a huge poster of the Paddington bear who seems to be staring at me always!

Give us a desk tour!

On my WFH desk you will always find action figures of G.I. Joe, Deadpool, Batman, Hotwheels etc — just so that I can play with them whenever I am bored.

What do you need to work on the daily?

Black coffee and my headphones!

Framestore is, to you, in three words:

Artistic, versatile and opportunities.

Best thing about your work environment?

That it is friendly and creative — It’s amazing how everyone manages to balance work and celebrate every function/event at the office.

Framestore is great at:

Creating opportunities for everyone to grow.

Favourite artform?


Favourite image?

He was on my bed and I think I scared him with the flash!

Fictional character you’d like to hang with?


Happiness looks like:

My 2-year-old son!

If not here, then where?

In my own Tattoo studio.

What do you think of too often?

When will I reach home?!

And not enough?


Couldn’t live without:


If you ruled the world:

I would love to be Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet!

Niketan Jadhav, you’ve been [FRAMED].




A global creative studio spanning film, advertising and content. Find more at framestore.com