[FRAMED]: Paul Krist, Compositor, Los Angeles

3 min readJun 10, 2021


[FRAMED] exists to shine light on Framestore’s most fascinating cast of characters: its people. Presented with a probing list of questions and a demandingly short deadline, this feature puts the hopes, dreams, and desktops of our MVPs on the digital wall, for all to see. Welcome to [FRAMED].

What are you guilty of?

Asking every dog owner what breed their dog is.

What was your last brush with danger?

I went an hour without ctrl S.

Your last brush with greatness?

Shot a short film in Mumbai.

Your worst character fault?

Buying things from Instagram ads.

If you had taken a different path, what would you be doing now?

Architecture, since that’s what I did my Masters in.

You’re on the run from the law, where are you headed?

The police station because I’m really bad at avoiding things.

What’s your favorite movie and why?

Notting Hill — great dialogues, a heartwarming story, a super cheesy soundtrack and (of course) Julia.

Your greatest achievement?

My career at Framestore.

Most valuable skill?

Never giving up.

Name your vice/pet peeve?

Talking during a film.

The DREAM project would entail:

A good challenge and a comfortable schedule.

Your career highlight to date:

Being on set for GM’s ‘No Way, Norway’ Super Bowl campaign.

What’s your current view?

In my little office with a view of a big pine tree.

Give us a desk tour.

Two screens, two keyboards, two mice and one giant water bottle.

What do you need to work, on the daily?

Lots of water after getting a bottle that tells me when to drink (yes I bought it after I saw it on my FYP).

Framestore is, to you, in three words:

Teamwork, Passion, Explosions.

Best thing about your work environment?

The people.

Framestore is great at:

Making things happen.

Favourite artform(s)?

Film and architecture.

Favourite image?

I took this image on a local hike and I love it because it was a bit accidental but planned and it shows my favorite place.

Fictional character you’d like to hang with?

Anna Scott.

If not here, then where?

On a hike in some National Park.

What do you think of too often?

Did I over water or under water my sago palm.

And not enough?

What’s for dinner?

If you ruled the world:

We would have unlimited RAM and scratch1 would never be full.

How are you staying inspired by working remotely?

Observing seemingly normal things very closely.

How are you spending your weekends?

I recently started gardening and I have managed to keep around 50% of my plants alive (which is pretty bad for LA, I would say…)

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned about yourself during quarantine?

You need less than you think.

Paul Krist, you’ve been [Framed]!




A global creative studio spanning film, advertising and content. Find more at framestore.com