[Framed]: Rishi Rajamahendra, Desktop Support/ IT Manager, LDN

4 min readOct 30, 2020

[FRAMED] exists to shine light on Framestore’s most fascinating cast of characters: its people. Presented with a probing list of questions and a demandingly short deadline, this feature puts the hopes, dreams, and desktops of our MVPs on the digital wall, for all to see. Welcome to [FRAMED].

What are you guilty of?

Never switching off. I have been known to wake up a few times in the middle of the night to jot ideas down that I’ve had and then go back to sleep!

What was your last brush with danger?

A trip to the supermarket on a Saturday. Never have I been so afraid to reach for some toilet rolls.

Your last brush with greatness?

Greatness surrounds us on a daily basis. It could be teachers, emergency services, supermarket workers, parents… you just need to take a moment and put yourself in their shoes.

Your worst character fault?

Being a perfectionist. I also don’t like sitting around doing nothing, even on a day off.

Your most shining quality?

I like to see the best in all people. Everyone has a good quality so it’s just bonding with that.

You’re on the run from the law, where are you headed?

Kebab Shop — I’ll need my energy if I’m running :)

Who’s your partner-in-crime?

My wife. (She’s standing right next to me as I write this so slightly intimidated to be honest)

What’s your favourite movie/TV show and why?

I usually have several TV Shows which I watch concurrently on my 1-hour journey to the office. At the moment I’m coming to the end of Supernatural, but all-time fav has to be Columbo! It’s a timeless classic. His character depicts a person who portrays a state of dishevelment and clumsiness but is amazingly intelligent… a bit like me…except the intelligence part.

Your greatest achievement?

Getting to where I am today from where I was growing up.

Most valuable skill?

I can remove my socks with just my toes. Not sure that’s a skill but I’m claiming it. Apart from that, I think listening and helping get the best out of my workmates.

Go on, say something bragging:

The other day I was going through some pictures and realised how many people I have managed in my role. I would like to think I have helped them with honest advice and guidance and put them all on paths that help them achieve what they wanted.

Name your vice?

My biggest vice is food. Tea and biscuits, crisps, chips… all the things I shouldn’t be eating but end up having.

Your career highlight to date:

Reaching the milestone of 20 years at Framestore in September. Time flies! It’s certainly moved on from having my first desk by the client toilets on Noel Street!

What’s your current view?

Overlooking my garden and subsequently realising how rubbish I am at gardening.

Give us a desk tour:

Headset, Stapler, Hand Sanitiser, bottle of water and of course….biscuits!

What do you need to work, on the daily?

Some decent music. It usually ranges from some old skool garage to Luther Vandross (lol). At present I’m bumping to some Steve Aoki — Waste it on Me feat BTS.

Framestore is, to you :

Hectic, Family, and Home.

Best thing about your work environment?

The environment at the office was always fun with a lot of banter. I do miss the monthly Cross Department after work drinks in such high class establishments such as BeAtOne or Wetherspoons.

Framestore is great at:

Creating bonds and friendships. I have seen the company grow so much but these core values still remain at the heart of Framestore. That makes me realise the importance of people to our company culture.

Favourite art form?


Favourite image?

Fictional character you’d like to hang with?

Iron Man and Columbo…obviously.

Happiness looks like:


If not here, then where?


What do you think of too often?

Next items on my never-ending to-do list.

And not enough?

Focus on what I’ve already achieved.

Couldn’t live without:

Coffee in the morning.

Oh and my wife and daughter….(she’s still standing next to me).

If you ruled the world:

I would eradicate everyone’s debt. It’s a gut-wrenching depressing thing to have and I always advise people to talk to someone if they struggle.

How are you staying inspired by working remotely?

Despite being at home, having catch-ups and chats throughout the day with my colleagues and friends helps.

How are you spending your weekends?

Cleaning, shopping, fixing, and if I’m lucky playing some PS4 with my daughter.

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned about yourself during quarantine?

How much exercise I got just by walking from people’s desks and around the office.

Rishi Rajamahendra, you’ve been [FRAMED].




A global creative studio spanning film, advertising and content. Find more at framestore.com