[FRAMED] VFX Production Coordinator, Victoria Nguyen

4 min readApr 18, 2024

Which film or TV series do you wish you could watch again for the first time?

There are a few I’ve really enjoyed but I can’t list them all! Let's start with Bob's Burgers, Breaking Bad, True Detective S1, The Last of Us, Vikings, Peaky Blinders, Severance, Succession, Dexter, and Game of Thrones minus the last seasons. I am currently rewatching Malcolm in the Middle for the 100th time and no one can stop me.

Which Framestore character do you feel you’re most like?

Baby Groot — loves to dance and destroy.

What fictional world or place would you like to visit?

Spirited Away would be crazy, as long as I don’t have to clean after giant babies.

What’s your favourite project that you worked on at Framestore?

It is absolutely Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. It was such a fun project to work on and it was with the most amazing team. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience with my favourite people. I am excited to see it on the big screen!

If you hadn’t gotten into VFX Production Coordination, what would you be doing now?

Youth Justice Worker, or some sort of criminal behaviour analyst.

The DREAM project would entail:

I would start screaming if I got to work on The Last of Us.

How would you describe your job to a child?

VFX Production coordinators play a very complex game of telephone between 1000 different people, departments and vendors.

Describe your career journey into the exciting world of VFX.

It was really a happy accident. At the time I was applying to everything and anything during COVID. I landed a job in reception and client services at Method Studios/Company3. Shortly after, I moved on to being a PA for For All Mankind Season 3, and here we are!

Describe a day in the life of a VFX Production Coordinator in emojis:

🤩🙃😑😭🤔😭🥩 🥦😍🥳⭐📽️

Framestore is, to you, in three words:

Targets, Targets, Targets.

What is the biggest perk about working at Framestore?

Working with the same amazing people I’ve been following around for the last few projects. I’d follow them to the end of the Earth.

Framestore is great at:

Getting some big, exciting projects for us to work on.

Favourite artform?

Film Photography.

Favourite image?

“Pale Blue Dot” is a photo taken of Earth by Voyager 1 in 1990.

What’s your favourite movie/ series/ advert/ immersive experience and why?

I have written a list of 100’s of my favourite movies but here are a few off the top of my head: My Neighbour Totoro, Grand Budapest Hotel, Children of Men, City of God, Man on Fire, Interstellar, 1917, All Quiet in the Western Front, The Kite Runner, Prisoners, The Virgin Suicides, The Outsiders, Ex Machina, The Secret Garden. I love the Planet of the Apes series and named my cat after one of the gorillas. My favourite Pixar film is A Bugs Life. My comfort movie is Swiss Army Man.

What is the last piece of art that inspired you?

The last photograph of a wild Barbary lion — Atlas Mountains, 1925, by Marcelin Flandrin.

How do you unlock your creativity?

Doom scrolling Reddit.

From where do you seek inspiration?

Doom scrolling Reddit.

Who in the industry do you admire most and why?

I can’t single anyone out because I would be eaten alive. You know who you are! I love you all to bits!

Share the best piece of advice you’ve ever received:

Always try to do the best you can but know that mistakes are always fixable here. Allow the mistakes to happen, learn from them, learn how to fix them, and move on.

Be kind, patient and helpful to those around you. We have all worked with characters who are not, and those are the people we are more reluctant to do more for.

What tech/innovation could you not live without?

Google Maps. I have no idea where I am.

What tech/innovation deserves the hype?

Google Maps.

What tech do you need that hasn’t been invented yet?

A pistachio opener.

Victoria Nguyen, you’ve been [FRAMED].




A global creative studio spanning film, advertising and content. Find more at framestore.com